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The AIER offers an authoritative, independent voice on workplace relations policy and practice.

Submissions made by the AIER advocate for legislation and practice that supports fair conditions and decent work. Our submissions are informed by academic research and those international labour and human rights standards Australia has signed onto.

View our submission here or return to our work.


AIER Submission to ALRC Freedoms Inquiry

AIER has made a submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission's Inquiry into Traditional Rights and Freedoms. Our submission focuses on the unjustified limitations in Commonwealth law, notably the Fair Work Act and Competition and Consumer Act, on freedom of...

Stories of Insecurity

AIER appeared before the Independent Inquiry into Insecure Work To read more...

Culture change the key to productivity says IR think tank

The Australian Institute of Employment Rights (AIER), Australia’s only independent tripartite industrial relations think tank, says that the key to raising Australia’s productivity lies in changing workplace culture not reducing work place rights. In its submission to...

AIER Argues for Mandatory Dispute Settlement in the Woolworths Case

In this recent submission to Fair Work Australia (FWA) in the matter Woolworths Ltd t/as Produce and Recycling Distribution Centres [2010] the Australian Institute of Employment Rights (AIER) argues that dispute resolution procedures in collective agreements are...