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The AIER works with leading academics, legal experts and IR practitioners to undertake research and publish discussion papers in the areas of labour law, workplace relations and organisational culture.

View our research reports, presentations and discussion papers here or return to our work.


Discussion Papers.

UBI and the Future of Work

AIER’s Executive Director, Clare Ozich, contributed to a recently released report, “Can Less Work Be More Fair? A discussion paper on Universal Basic Income and shorter working week”. Clare’s essay considers the potential for reconsidering our relationship to work.

The Fair Work Bill and Beyond Discussion Paper

Written by Rhodes Scholar Joanna Mascarenhas,  former Senior Presidential Member of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission The Hon Paul Munro, and AIER Executive Director Lisa Heap, this discussion paper on the goverment's Fair Work Bill argues that the time...

Call for A Charter of Employment Rights

 Australian Institute of Employment Rights (AIER) President Mordy Bromberg SC and Executive Director Rob Durbridge set out the case for a consultation among lawyers, academics, unionists, employers and the general community about a rights-based approach to employment...


AIER at the IRSQ Convention

AIER recently attended the Industrial Relations Society of Queensland’s annual convention. The theme was “Back to the Future”.

Our presentation included the AIER’s analysis of why the system is broken and an outline of our ambitious project to envisage a new workplace relations architecture.

Democracy, power and work

Freedom of association and workplace democracy are key rights that need to be revitalised if we are to address growing wealth and income inequality, argues AIER’s Executive Director in this address to the International Employment Relations Association conference.

Thoughts on the Regulating for Decent Work conference

AIER attended the 4th Regulating for Decent Work conference held at the ILO in Geneva last month. Clare Ozich from AIER presented a paper along with Colleen Chen from Interns Australia on the rise in organisations advocating for the rights of interns. The paper...

Responding more effectively to workplace grievance

AIER's Executive Director, Clare Ozich, was very pleased to have participated in a recent panel discussion on "Responding more effectively to workplace grievance". the discussion was hosted by the Victorian Association for Dispute Resolution and the Victorian...

Current Workplace Relations Environment: Positives and Negatives

A transcript of the Hon Paul Munro's speech on the application of the new industrial relations environment at the recent Workplace Relations Brunch as part of the Clubs NSW Conference & Trade Expo, held at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre. I retired...

WorkChoices: Hobson’s Choice at Work

In an address at the recent Australian Labour Law Association Conference in Brisbane Rob Durbridge, the Executive Director of Australian Institute of Employment Rights (AIER), questions the Howard Government’s recent WorkChoices amendments and explores options for...

Reforming Australian Industrial Relations?

In his address as part of the 21st Foenander Lecture, Australian Institute of Employment Rights (AIER) Advisory Committee member Joe Issac explores the place of the WorkChoices legislation within the framework of an economically efficient and socially fair industrial...

Research Reports.

Preventative Health & Workplace Culture

The Australian Institute of Employment Rights (AIER) undertook a considerable body of research exploring the links between poor workplace culture and its detrimental effect on the physical and mental health of working people.  The study, which formed the basis of a...

Paper Rights: The Role for Voluntary Compacts on Labour Rights

Australian Institute of Employment Rights (AIER) member and Senior Advocate for the National Union of Workers (NUW), Tim Lyons, presents a paper on AIER's Charter of Employment Rights from a union perspective. The Charter of Employment Rights developed by AIER is an...

The Perth 107: The Right To Strike Contest

Labour law researcher Chris White presents a background report on the prosecution of 107 construction workers involved in a strike on the Perth-Mandurah railway project. The unprecedented prosecution of 107 construction workers for striking on the Perth-Mandurah...